26 Week Marketing Plan

A step by step marketing guide to ignite and grow your business.

In a collaborative team effort, ProducingSales has created a 6 month guide for you to boost your business sales and marketing through proven tactics and strategies designed for individuals or small teams.

Our 2023 guide provides a weekly marketing To-Do List with step-by-step schedules, instructions, and action items. Each week is designed with explanation so you understand the purpose of each task. Additional references, applications, shortcuts, and tools are provided so you don't get derailed. Pre-launch to post launch and beyond.

This marketing guide builds focus on actionable tasks.

The digital download features:
- 60 pages in PDF
- 26 weeks of step-by-step marketing To-Do lists
- Guidance on how to get started with each task
- Additional resources and tools for support
- Added notes surrounding areas of caution
- Monthly sales and marketing news/updates

26 Weeks of Marketing

A DIY step by step marketing guide to fill your sales pipeline and grow your business.