Storyteller Style Article Writing

Tim Burrows, October 2022

Templated Long-form Article Writing Guide
Style: Storyteller's Hook

1. The Hook
Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question. This element is designed to immediately catch your reader's eye and pique their curiosity. The goal is to make them want to read more.

Purpose: Capture attention quickly.
Tips: Use surprising facts, thought-provoking questions, or bold statements.

"Ever wondered why some posts get all the love while others fade into oblivion?"
"Did you know that a single tweak can double your engagement on LinkedIn?"
"Why do some stories resonate while others fall flat?"

2. The Story
Share a brief, relatable story or anecdote. This part should be personal and engaging, allowing your readers to connect with you on a human level. Stories are powerful because they make your content memorable and relatable.

Purpose: Establish a personal connection and provide context.
Tips: Keep it concise and relevant to your main point. Use vivid details to bring your story to life.

"Last month, I experimented with a post that broke all the ‘rules’—no hashtags, no call to action. It tanked spectacularly. Lesson learned!"
"A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an old post that had unexpectedly gone viral. Here’s what happened..."
"I remember when I first started posting on LinkedIn; I was nervous and unsure. One post, in particular, stood out..."

3. The Insight
Highlight the key takeaway or lesson from your story. This is where you provide value to your readers by sharing what you learned and how it can apply to them. Make sure your insight is clear and actionable.

Purpose: Deliver value and insight to your readers.
Tips: Focus on a single, clear takeaway. Make it relevant to your audience.

"Turns out, even rebels need a bit of structure to thrive."
"Consistency, as it turns out, is key to building an engaged audience."
"Authenticity beats perfection every time."

4. The Call to Action (CTA)
Encourage your readers to engage. A good CTA prompts readers to take the next step, whether it’s commenting, sharing, or applying what they’ve learned. It helps to keep the conversation going and builds a sense of community.

Purpose: Drive engagement and interaction.
Tips: Make your CTA clear and inviting. Encourage specific actions.

"Have you ever tried breaking the mold? Share your experiences below!"
"What’s the most surprising lesson you’ve learned from your LinkedIn posts? Let’s discuss in the comments!"
"Try this approach in your next post and let me know how it goes!" 

LinkedIn posts with a clear structure receive 50% more engagement than those that don't have structure.

Long-form content

Articles (long-form) are important too. Why?

In today's digital landscape, writing long-form articles enhances social media engagement, strengthens branding efforts, and drives demand and lead generation - for the long term.

Articles provide a platform to showcase expertise, share valuable insights, and engage with a targeted audience on a deeper level than short-form content allows. They not only establish credibility and authority within a niche but also create opportunities for meaningful interactions and discussions. Moreover, well-crafted articles contribute to brand visibility and better position people as thought leaders in their industries.

By consistently delivering high-quality articles, companies can attract and nurture leads, converting engaged readers into loyal followers or fans.

Combining short-form content and long-form content has proven to boost overall campaign effectiveness.

This strategic approach including multiple forms and styles not only builds a stronger online presence but also cultivates trust and loyalty which is essential for sustainable business growth in the digital age.

Here are a few long-form templated writing guides to help you create a framework around your content strategy.

Templated Writing Guide: Thought Leadership
Templated Writing Guide: The Storyteller’s Hook
Templated Writing Guide: The Value Bomb
Templated Writing Guide: The Data-Driven Post

Consistency is key! Keep at it and the investment will pay off significantly, allowing you to build a stronger, more impactful multi-channel presence.

I hope this information helps you with your self-managed social media campaigns. At some point, your growth will reach a place where you don’t have the time, energy, or resources to handle it on your own.

For executive assistance on social media tasks, content creation, and management please contact me directly. I’m happy to serve friendly, like minded professionals.

Stay focused and have a productive day. Here’s to long term exponential progress!

Tim Burrows
Managing Director Of Sales and Marketing 

Tim Burrows

Managing Director of Sales and Marketing

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