Thought Leadership Article Writing

Tim Burrows, October 2022

Templated Long-form Article Writing Guide
Style: Thought Leadership

1. The Provocative Statement
Start with a bold or thought-provoking statement. This element is designed to capture attention and position you as a forward-thinking leader in your field.

Purpose: Capture attention and establish authority with a bold statement.
Tips: Use a statement that challenges conventional wisdom or introduces a new perspective. Ensure it is relevant to your industry or expertise.

"The future of work isn’t remote—it’s hybrid."
"Traditional marketing is dead; here’s what’s next."
"Innovation isn’t about new ideas, it’s about solving old problems in new ways."

2. The Insight
Share your unique perspective or insight on the topic. This part should highlight your expertise and offer a fresh take on a common issue or trend.

Purpose: Provide valuable insight that showcases your expertise.
Tips: Base your insights on experience, research, or a unique viewpoint. Be clear and concise.

"Hybrid work models combine the best of both worlds by offering flexibility and fostering collaboration."
"In today’s digital age, traditional marketing strategies no longer suffice. Brands need to embrace omnichannel approaches to stay relevant."
"True innovation comes from rethinking existing problems and applying new solutions, rather than just generating new ideas."

3. The Supporting Argument
Provide supporting arguments or evidence to back up your insight. This can include data, research findings, case studies, or personal experiences.

Purpose: Strengthen your argument with credible evidence.
Tips: Use reliable sources and relevant examples. Make sure the evidence directly supports your insight.

"A recent study by McKinsey found that companies with hybrid work models reported a 25% increase in employee productivity."
"According to a survey by HubSpot, 70% of marketers say their companies have shifted to an omnichannel approach in the last year."
"When Apple reimagined the smartphone, they didn’t just create a new device; they solved the problem of integrating multiple functions into a single, user-friendly interface."

4. The Call to Action (CTA)
Encourage your readers to reflect on your insights and take action. This can involve sharing their thoughts, applying your ideas, or engaging in further discussion.

Purpose: Drive engagement and encourage your audience to act on your insights.
Tips: Make your CTA clear and inviting. Encourage specific actions that foster further engagement.

"How is your company adapting to the hybrid work model? Share your experiences below!"
"What innovative marketing strategies have you adopted recently? Let’s discuss in the comments!"
"Have you encountered any problems that required innovative solutions? Share your stories with us!"

LinkedIn posts with a clear structure receive 50% more engagement than those that don't have structure.

Long-form content

Articles (long-form) are important too. Why?

In today's digital landscape, writing long-form articles enhances social media engagement, strengthens branding efforts, and drives demand and lead generation - for the long term.

Articles provide a platform to showcase expertise, share valuable insights, and engage with a targeted audience on a deeper level than short-form content allows. They not only establish credibility and authority within a niche but also create opportunities for meaningful interactions and discussions. Moreover, well-crafted articles contribute to brand visibility and better position people as thought leaders in their industries.

By consistently delivering high-quality articles, companies can attract and nurture leads, converting engaged readers into loyal followers or fans.

Combining short-form content and long-form content has proven to boost overall campaign effectiveness.

This strategic approach including multiple forms and styles not only builds a stronger online presence but also cultivates trust and loyalty which is essential for sustainable business growth in the digital age.

Here are a few long-form templated writing guides to help you create a framework around your content strategy.

Templated Writing Guide: Thought Leadership
Templated Writing Guide: The Storyteller’s Hook
Templated Writing Guide: The Value Bomb
Templated Writing Guide: The Data-Driven Post

Consistency is key! Keep at it and the investment will pay off significantly, allowing you to build a stronger, more impactful multi-channel presence.

I hope this information helps you with your self-managed social media campaigns. At some point, your growth will reach a place where you don’t have the time, energy, or resources to handle it on your own.

For executive assistance on social media tasks, content creation, and management please contact me directly. I’m happy to serve friendly, like minded professionals.

Stay focused and have a productive day. Here’s to long term exponential progress!

Tim Burrows
Managing Director Of Sales and Marketing 

Tim Burrows

Managing Director of Sales and Marketing

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